Friday, March 03, 2006

2008 Hopefuls Invade Iowa

3/3/06: 2008 Hopefuls Invade Iowa
The 2008 presidential sweepstakes are bringing a plethora of hopefuls to the Hawkeye state. Sen. McCain will be at the Jim Nussle for Governor luncheon in Cedar Rapids on April 13th($100 a ticket) while Romney, Allen, & Huckabee will be testing the waters as well. Allen will be at fundraisers for the Iowa GOP @$50 a ticket in Waterloo on St. Patty's Day & Davenport on 3/18. This will be Allen's first visit to Iowa. His father started his coaching career at Morningside College in Sioux City. Huckabee will be at Des Moines Christian school in Urbandale this month. Huckabee began courting Iowa Christian Conservatives in 2004 as he attended several "People of Faith for Bush" meetings in Iowa. Romney is making a presence at several of the County GOP conventions on 3/11, his fourth visit since Bush's re-election.
For the liberals...John Edwards has been a frequent visitor, he was in Iowa City last Saturday (2/25). Did he ever really stop campaigning? I predict that Edwards will finish ahead of Kerry in the Iowa Caucus in 2008. Tom Vilsack could have a "Harkin effect" on liberal candidates for the Iowa Caucus...meaning they may skip Iowa to focus on New Hampshire. Harkin gathered 76% of the Iowa Caucus vote in '92 and his campaign was finished after New Hampshire. A "favorite son" weakens the liberals field & diminishes the Iowa Caucus..which is already on borrowed time for the dems.

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